
Click here for a more detailed map of the circuit in 1935.

An 11.029 mile road course used between 1923 and 1935, it was situated near San Sebastian.

Lap Record: Achille Varzi (Auto Union B), 5m58, 110.906mph, 1935.

Results:- (San Sebastian GP)

Year Formula Winner                     Car                      mph
1923   GP    Albert Guyot               Rolland Pilain          57.851
1924   GP    Henry Segrave              Sunbeam                 64.101
1925   GP    Albert Divo/André Morel    Delage 2LCV             76.720
1926   GP    Jules Goux                 Bugatti T39A            70.530
1927   FL    Emilio Materassi           Bugatti T35C            80.663
1928   GP    Louis Chiron               Bugatti T35C            82.588