
Carretera de Aljorra, Km. 2.600
Cartagena 30391
Tel: +34 968 315645 Fax: +34 968 315655
Cartagena is a sinuous 11 metre wide, 3.480km long clockwise track. It features a
maximum incline gradient of 8.92% into the final chicane, and 18 croners
(10 right and 8 left).
How To Get There
The circuit is situated a few kilometres from Cartagena, situated 40 km from
Murcia and 98km from Alicante. From Madrid, take the N301 towards Murcia, and
at the "Los Dolores" exit take the Cartagena ring-road towards the circuit.
From Alicante, take the E-15 towards Murcia and take the "Los Dolores" exit.
It is close to the San Javier Airport - take the N332 towards Cartagena.