
A 2.299 mile track was used in Central Bucharest between 1937 and 1939. Limited fields meant that in 1937 Hans Rüsch (a competent jouneyman) beat local driver Jean Calcianu by quarter of an hour in the opening race.

Lap Record: Hans Rüsch (Alfa Romeo Tipo-C "8C-35"), 2m06, 65.686mph, Formula Libre.


Year Formula Winner             Car                           mph
1937   FL    Hans Rüsch         Alfa Romeo Tipo-C "8C-35"    65.600
1939   FL    Hans Stuck         Auto Union D                  n/a

A 3.111 km/1.933 mile street circuit around the Romanian parliament building was used for a combined British F3 and FIA GT meeting on the 18th-20th May 2007 (a meeting had been originally planned for 2006, but was postponed).